First, remember, you don’t have to have a problem to work, or play with color. You can just do it for the sheer Joy of it! If you do want to work with color and focus on an issue that’s bothering you, here is what I do.
I go to my art space and sit for a few minutes, taking the Three Precious Pills of Stillness, Silence, and Spaciousness to calm my body and mind. If I’m working on an issue that’s bothering me, like Climate Change, I acknowledge that issue.
Then I look at the Timeless Twelve Step Rainbow Clock and choose a color that resonates with me in the moment. Let’s try blue. After choosing blue, I draw a little doodle abstract then paint it in various shades of blue. As I’m drawing and painting, I breathe gently and allow myself to become absorbed in the drawing and color. If my mind wanders or gets critical about what I’m creating, I gently refocus on the lines and the color.
When I finish painting the small abstract doodle art that I’ve drawn, I sit quietly with it. I don’t try to create a story around what I’ve drawn and painted or give it a title. I just allow the energy that has been expressed through color and line to be what it is. As I sit, I realize how much joy I experienced as I was drawing and painting. Gratitude pops into my awareness.
Do you want to try it?