I am fascinated by light as well as by the concepts and values we attach to the light we do see. In this image I wanted to expand my understanding of the rainbow colors, the wavelengths of light. I found an easy to comprehend video for children, produced by the American Museum of Natural History, on how the human eye perceives color.
Color is energy; it’s light. Light is made up of different wavelengths, or colors. White light, as in sunlight, is a combination of all of them. The visible light we see is part of the much larger electromagnetic spectrum. For most of the spectrum, we can’t see it; we need instruments to detect and observe it.
I associate the rainbow colors with the LGBT+ movement, the rainbow colors representing inclusion of everyone, or put more simply, love for everyone, a value I hold in my heart. As a joy coach I encourage you to love all the colors within you, all the parts of yourself, and to love everyone and everything else in whatever color they happen to be. It’s a lifelong endeavor. Loving everyone and everything–that’s a tall order, isn’t it?
Sometimes being open to the expansiveness of life is difficult. I’ve seen so many get blocked by fear and I’ve felt fear myself. It seems to me that a lot of times people are not sure what they’re feeling about the color they’re seeing, so they just rock along.
Colors evoke emotions, like those colorful pop up ads on my computer that drive me crazy. However, can you imagine what the world would be like if we didn’t have the energy of all the colors and combinations of colors of the rainbow? I can’t. Just think about it for a moment. Can you imagine a world without green? We wouldn’t have all those beautiful trees and plants. Yikes, we wouldn’t have photosynthesis for food or air (oxygen) suitable for breathing if we didn’t have green trees and plants. Rainbows are so beautiful. Each and every color is so beautiful. That’s why I’m showing them here.
Are you intrigued by color? How do you weave color into your life? What do the rainbow colors, the colors you can see, mean to you?