Episode 25: Connecting with Your Heart III

Episode 26, Connecting with Your Heart III 2

Looking back on life and thinking about what has brought joy can be helpful. For example, the circles within circles in this Episode evoke memories of joy. In that inner circle is the memory of my high school Latin class. For some weird reason I’ve retained the memory of the declension of the Latin verb “to love.”  And look at that next inner circle. Is that Elvis Pressley I’m hearing? Elvis was a hometown idol.  The score highlighted in this circle is from his song, “Love Me Tender.” The bodies emerging from the circle are depictions of dancers in the Alvin Ailey Dance Troupe. The strength of their graceful leaps feels both fluid and joyous. When I saw them perform I felt their leaps as leaps of joy.  And there in the outermost circle are the rainbow colors; the light visible to the human eye. Can you see the spectrum? Mr. Tatum, my 7th grade art teacher, taught me the color wheel. That’s when I made my first mandala. 

What words, songs, images connect you to your heart?